December 28, 2006

Britney Spears is on Drugs

This girl has got her numb head up her rear.

Yes, I have peeked at the naughty photographs of her woman parts and I must say, I was disgusted.

Shining her prepubescent looking vagina all over town while hanging out with that good for nothing Paris Hilton, vomiting, table dancing like a red light whore, (and dressing like one too), drinking and leaving her poor children at home, I must say that I know for a fact that this young woman is on drugs.

I couldn't tell you what kind because Lord knows, this grammy has never tried a drug in her life. But I know it. She's on drugs.

How else must you explain her crazy behavior? You can't. It's drugs, plain and simple. You just watch, it will come out eventually.

I have that wonderful mother's intuition. And it is telling me that this young lady is in serious trouble...or just plain stupid.

Cranky Grammy