December 27, 2006

Guard Your Children, Michael Jackson is Back in the Country

The child molesting entertainer known as The King of Pop is back in the glorious United States again.

After fleeing to Bahrain and then Ireland after practically being ran out of the our country, he has decided to come back.

This time he is setting up molester-shop in Las Vegas, where he believes he will revive his career. (It's going to take a defibrillator to get that sick man's career revived.)

Vegas of all places? But not many children visit Las Vegas. Oh dear, it almost slipped my mind that he has a few store bought children. And they are just the ages he likes. Two boys and one girl. I'd be willing to bet my pearly white dentures that he threw the girl in there just to throw us off.

Mr. Jackson believes that he will get a deal with one of the casinos to have a show of his own. I think that the casino should be Circus Circus with Michael as the freak show.

Cranky Grammy


Anonymous said...

That pic of Michael is frightning. That is what makes me mad about them hollwood people. They WASTE all that money butchering up their faces only to look like something that crept out of somebodys nightmare....real Creepy. I will never understand that.

Anonymous said...

He Needs to let is Step-Children Live Normal Lives.

Anonymous said...


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